How did feral pigeons become a pest species?

Pigeons have lived in urban areas for centuries. In more recent history, however, their populations have exploded, and are not widely considered one of the biggest causers of pest issues across the UK.

How did this happen? And is the negative reputation that pigeons have developed in comparison to other bird species really justified?

What are pigeons?

The pigeon as we know it today, is descended from the rock dove, a species of bird that was domesticated centuries ago and used for sending messages, as a source of food, and as a hobby for bird enthusiasts.

There was a time when pigeons did not have their current reputation as disease spreaders and were instead regarded in high esteem for their intelligence and homing instincts.

Not all pigeons cause pest problems. In fact, the vast majority do not. Almost all ‘pest’ issues involving pigeons are caused by feral pigeons, thought to mainly be descendants of pigeons that have escaped from captivity.

What problems do pigeons pose?

Pigeons are not inherently bad. No pest species is inherently bad. But, they do pose significant health concerns when they gather in large numbers and are a threat that is definitely something to be taken seriously.

The major concern surrounding feral pigeons is that they spread all sorts of nasty diseases such as E Coli., Salmonella and more.

Their droppings are the main method of transmission for these germs to reach humans, and when a lot of pigeons gather in a single location, there is certainly a lot of droppings to go around.

These droppings are not only toxic because of the pathogens that they contain, but are also literally toxic in their composition, corroding metal, stone and other materials over time if allowed to lay on a surface.

Their movement on the roof or properties and in the rafters of warehouses can also be responsible for significant property damage so it is safe to say that a pigeon infestation is definitely something that needs to be taken seriously and dealt with in the most appropriate manner.

How to get rid of pigeons

If you are dealing with pigeon problems, get in touch with your local pest control Salford expert. Pigeons are one of the most common pests in the Manchester area and they will know exactly how to get rid of them.

Some of the ways that they may recommend this is done is through trapping, controlled shooting, or falconry.

Once pigeons have been removed, it is time to make sure that they don’t come back and you won’t be facing a similar issue a few months later.

Luckily, the number of bird deterrents on the market is huge, and it won’t take a pest professional long to identify one that suits your property.

Some of the best bird prevention methods include the installation of bird netting which can be customised based on the size of the target species, and bird spikes which are harmless but do stop pigeons landing nearby.


Fact or Fiction – Are infrared saunas too good to be true?

If you keep up with the latest trends in the health and wellbeing community, you will be all too aware of the revolution that has taken place in recent times with regards to infrared saunas.

The number of different health benefits that advocates of infrared saunas claim that these units offer really do seem too good to be true, but with professional athletes and wellbeing gurus alike consistently singing their praises, maybe its time to start taking them seriously.

From glowing skin to lower stress, the claims made about the benefits of infrared saunas are extensive and so widespread that many homeowners across the UK are now having them installed in their very own homes.

Whilst sauna installation has always been a sign of wealth and affluence in UK homes, in other countries, namely Finland and the rest of Scandinavia, they are commonplace.

With Sauna infrared UK on the rise, is this just another in a longline of fitness fads that are more style than substance or could this really be the sweating solution to all your wellness woes.

Here is everything that you need to know about infrared saunas.

How they work

infrared sauna

Infrared saunas work by stimulating the same bodily reactions as exercise, namely increased blood circulation, boosted metabolism, and reduced stress.

Whilst the traditional sauna experience involves entering a room that is filled with hot steam, infrared saunas use infrared light to directly heat your body, rather than the room itself.

This allows you to achieve a deeper and more effective sweat whilst sitting in a much more bearable and comfortable environment.

The health benefits they provide

Unsurprisingly, infrared sauna companies will happily provide you with a long list of different health benefits that their infrared saunas supposedly offer. More surprisingly, science actually backs up almost all of them.

In fact, infrared heat is used in almost all professional healthcare environments, including in hospitals and physiotherapy. Just some off the potential health benefits that you can enjoy by using an infrared sauna on a regular basis include:

Improved Sleep

Infrared saunas help your body to relax and unwind leading to massively reduced stress levels and making it much easier to drift off to sleep.


The sweat produced by infrared sauna use will wash away many of the impurities that are clogging your pores as well as removing toxins such as heavy metals from just under the skin. This will not only leaving you with younger and clearer looking skin but could also reduce the likelihood of falling victim to certain nasty illnesses and generally keep your immune system in a stronger position.

Lose weight

One of the more controversial potential benefits of infrared saunas. Sauna use certainly does boost your metabolism and cause you to burn calories faster, but it is not an alternative to exercise and weight lost during sessions is fluid lost through sweat that it is important to replenish as soon as you leave.

Soothing of muscles

Infrared saunas provide welcome relieve from aching and sore muscles making them the idea recovery tool after a shift at work or a trip to the gym. Did you know: many professional athletes swear by infrared saunas as a tool for faster recovery and use them to train harder and faster than they would otherwise be able to do. Training grounds and elite sports facilities across the world are now almost universally home to at least one infrared sauna.

Symptomatic relief from arthritis

Finding relief from arthritis and other joint conditions can feel a lot like a never ending battle but the deep penetrating heat of an infrared saunas is widely considered as one of the only treatment options that truly works.

If you currently suffer from arthritis, why not visit your local spa and give it a try. You never know, it might be exactly what you are looking for and if it does indeed succeed where all else fails you can install one in your own home and have access to blessed relief whenever symptoms are particularly troublesome.

Reduced blood pressure

home sauna

High blood pressure is extremely serious and is linked to a variety of other potentially fatal health conditions. Using an infrared sauna will help to improve your blood circulation by forcing your blood vessels to dilate and send oxygenated blood flowing through your body to the areas that need it most. This is not only extremely helpful for those with high blood pressure, but also helps with injury healing, particularly in extremities such as hands and feet, where blood flow would otherwise be limited.

Most people can use infrared saunas without worrying about any negative repercussions on their health, but if you already suffer from low blood pressure it is worth checking with your doctor first before proceeding.


10 benefits of installing a brand-new roof

Vertex Roofing

If you are dealing with yet another expensive roof repair, you might be wondering if you would be better off having it fully replaced.

Whilst many people would tell you that repairs are the way forward unless there is no other option, the fact is that a new roof has a huge number of advantages and may even save you money in the long-term.

Your roof is by far the most important structural element of your home, offering protection against the elements, compromising or maximising your home’s energy efficiency, and keeping your family safe at all times.

If your home has gone 30 years or longer without a roof replacement, the chances are that it will have deteriorated significantly, and it is only a matter of time until disaster strikes.

If you are still not convinced that a new roof is for you, we have put together this list of the top benefits of Roof Repair Glasgow. Turns out there are quite a few!

1. Upgraded technology

Roofing technology, as with every other product in the modern world, has advanced massively over the past 30 years.

The fact is, if you have a roof several decades old you will simply be missing out on many of the benefits offered by newer tiling and designs.

Modern roofs featuring the latest most energy efficient tiling and shingles and fitted by experts who know exactly how to lay them in the most efficient design pattern offer incredible energy efficiency, durability, and weather resistance.

2. Aesthetic appeal

A new home will make you the envy of your street and dramatically improve your home’s aesthetic appeal.

Until someone in the street makes the commitment to replace their roof, no-one realises just how much of an impression it can make.

Gradual deterioration over time can be hard to notice, but a brand-new roof, properly designed and shaped, will result in an impressive and noticeable improvement to the curb appeal of the property.

3. Energy efficiency

One of the biggest changes in roof design in recent years has been to increase the thermal efficiency of the materials used.

With energy prices on the rise, a roof which leaks heat at the rate of some older roofs can put a major dent in your monthly budget.

Modern roofing materials have excellent insulating qualities keeping your home toasty warm for less during the winter and lovely and cool during the summer.

4. Warranty

If you have a roof that is several decades old, the manufacturer’s warranty has undoubtedly ended, and any costly repairs will fall firmly at your door.

A new roof means a new warranty, meaning that you will be fully covered for certain types of repairs for the foreseeable future.

When choosing your new home supplier, make sure to choose a firm which offers the best possible warranty for the largest number of years.

5. Property Value

By replacing your roof, you will not only make it a more attractive sight to potential buyers should you wish to sell in the future, but you could also actually receive a significantly higher offer as a result.

A new roof indicates that you have taken care of your property and that repairs are unlikely to be required in the near future, reassuring property hunters and encouraging them to make a higher offer.

6. Easier cleaning

Cleaning a roof on a semi-regular basis is vital to maintaining its condition for as long as possible.

Old roofs have any number of hazards which make gaining access extremely challenging including moss, leaves, broken tiles, and sagging.

All these make cleaning the roof a difficult and potentially dangerous task whilst a new roof is firm, durable, and can easily handle the weight of a human cleaner.

7. Maintenance

Have you found yourself forking out for ongoing roof maintenance far more often than you would like?

A new roof will require far less costly servicing and much of the maintenance costs you are currently dealing with may be covered under the warranty of your new unit.

8. Peace of mind

Is your roof constantly on your mind? Wondering when the day will come where a big storm could prove just too much for it to handle? If so, a replacement is the best possible way to help you relax and give you peace of mind that your home and your family are protected at all times.

9. Home improvements

Many replace their roofs purely due to the deterioration of the old one, but a new roof is actually a great opportunity to make that home improvement that you have been thinking about for so long.

New roofs are incredibly versatile and can easily be fitted with a range of features including skylights, fire escapes, and chimneys.

10. Refresh

There are few better ways to completely revolutionise the appearance of your home than to install a brand-new roof.

This will give you complete creative freedom over the look of your home, produce a wow factor amongst visitors and neighbours alike, and give you and your family a welcoming home that you can be proud to come home to after a long day’s work.


Empty and Void Property Security

Vacant Property Security

Commercial property is increasingly left vacant. Buildings like warehouses and landsites are increasingly left unattended – and as a result – there’s been a serious increase in problems like vandalism and squatting. This makes getting commercial property security vital. Otherwise, you can end up suffering serious financial losses and other major issues.

In this article we’ll discuss the vulnerability of vacant property and ways to protect against it.

Why is Vacant Property so Vulnerable?

Vacant property is vulnerable because potential thieves, squatters, and vandals don’t face any serious barriers to breaking and entering. This makes the properties very attractive to trespassers since the potential to be caught and prosecuted is much lower than with an occupied property.

Threats to Vacant Property

These are just some of the dangers posed to vacant properties.


Vandals will frequently target vacant properties because of how vulnerable they are.

Vandalism can cause serious damage. It can consist of anything from the breaking of windows and graffiti to the destruction of flooring, walls, wiring (which can easily result in fires), and pipework (which can easily result in flooding). The costs of vandalism can quickly mount, and the damage caused by vandals can end up difficult to repair as well. Therefore, it is so important to ensure you are protected from vandals on your property.


Out of all the forms of vandalism, arson is by far the worst.

British fire services report that around half of the fires they deal with are deliberately started. A fire can gut a property – causing damage which cannot be repaired and leaving the property unusable.


Squatting has become a serious issue in Britain.

Squatters live on empty property without permission, and it is now estimated there are around 20,000 people squatting in properties all over the UK. The laws regarding squatting are complex and hotly debated – making removing squatters very, very difficult once they are present. The longer squatters are present in a property, the harder they will be to evict.

Squatters are liable to steal, vandalise the property, and cause serious property damage. While the squatters are present you will of course be unable to make use of it – which is a serious problem itself. A squatter issue can end up becoming a very costly one and last for months.


Thieves are not interested in confrontation and want to access goods and materials as easily as possible. Vacant properties, having no one to protect them and often housing valuable goods or materials.

Metal theft has become a particularly common crime. The profits from the sale of stolen metal are lucrative. The most common target is copper – which is in practically any property. Increasingly thieves steal copper from air conditioning units – which are ripped apart frequently. This not only means the destruction of the AC unit but leaves holes in the property that often result in further damage via exposure.

Copper isn’t the only target – aluminium, steel, and other metals like brass and bronze are particularly appealing. Cast iron is also increasingly stolen. This means that practically any location with metals worth stealing is at risk.

In the past, railways were the primary target of metal theft – but now practically any property is vulnerable. Churches, statues, and public artwork have been targeted. Vacant and unprotected properties are the main target, however – especially large industrial buildings in areas with little to no traffic. Foreclosed homes are another serious target of metal theft.

Protecting Vacant Property

Security is vital to protect a vacant property.

Cheap methods like signs and fences shouldn’t be used – these don’t do anything to prevent dedicated intruders from entering.

Alarms and manned guarding services are a good approach. Alarms are often a major deterrent and criminals will avoid properties equipped with them – since the police or authorities will be alerted.

Manned guarding is another great approach. The physical presence of people on the property is usually enough to ward off any intruders. In the case an incident does happen, manned guarding services can respond immediately or alert the authorities quickly.


CCTV is probably the best way to protect a vacant property.

CCTV is great because its presence alone will deter criminals; 60% of criminals say the presence of CCTV will encourage them to avoid a property. This is because getting caught on CCTV massively increases the chances of being caught and prosecuted. The visible presence of CCTV is a great way to keep your property secure.  

Remote monitoring is also a common feature of modern CCTV. This means a professional monitoring team will keep a close eye on the property – alerting you or

Modern CCTV systems, with sturdy armoured protection casing to prevent sabotage and the ability to be deployed in practically any environment, a V360 CCTV system is a versatile approach for the protection of a vacant building.


What does having a lawyer on retainer mean?

Lawyer in Glasgow

If someone tells you that they are going to call ‘their’ lawyer, what they probably mean in reality is that they have a lawyer on retainer.

This means that they will typically pay a small fee on a regular basis so that the moment they require legal services the lawyer in question will be there to perform them.

Retainers can be most effective in a business scenario for companies who require legal services on a semi-regular basis but do not have the resources to hire their own lawyer on a full-time basis.

Some of the services such a lawyer will perform could include representing the company in the case of a contractual dispute, reviewing contracts and agreements with other companies, and ensuring compliance with the latest regulations in their industry.

In terms of individual legal representation, those most likely to keep a lawyer on retainer are those with a significant net worth and are likely to need legal services reasonably often.

Questions to ask before hiring a lawyer on retainer

Although keeping a lawyer on retainer is much cheaper than hiring one full time it is still a significant investment to make.

In order to decide whether or not having a lawyer on call at all times is worthwhile, there are a few questions you should ask yourself regarding your legal situation.

These include:

Why do I need an attorney?

Unless you are involved in complex legal disputes on a regular basis, most people only use a lawyer every few years or so. If this is the case for you, you might just be better off hiring a lawyer as and when required rather than keeping one on retainer at all times.

What does my insurance cover?

Many insurance policies include cover for the legal costs of being involved in a claim. If you are concerned that you might need a lawyer due to a car accident or similar, this may well be included meaning that retaining your own lawyer would be an unnecessary waste of money.

Do I already have legal representation?

If you work for a major firm, or are part of a union, you might find that there is already a lawyer on call as part of your benefits.

Unless you are involved in disputes with the company itself, your employer’s lawyer will likely be able to help you with routine matters such as wills and moving house so employing another lawyer yourself makes little sense.

What is the difference between ‘retainer’ and ‘retainer agreement’?

Confusingly, retaining a lawyer is not the same as having a lawyer on retainer.

If you were to hire a lawyer for one off legal representation you would pay them a retainer in order to retain (hire) them to deliver a legal service.

If you wish to have a lawyer ‘on retainer’, on call at all times in case you require legal aid you will need to sign a retainer agreement instead.

What should be in the retainer agreement?

The retainer agreement that you sign with your lawyer should specify exactly what services they can provide, how much you will pay to have them on call and detail the payment schedule.

It may also set out fees for certain common services that you may require on a regular basis.

Some retainer agreements will also go a step further and set out boundaries on certain services that the lawyer will NOT perform.

Just as with any other contract you shouldn’t ever sign without knowing exactly what you are agreeing to and having a copy of a written agreement will help settle any misunderstandings.

Benefits of having a lawyer on retainer

Although it may not be suitable for all, there are many benefits to having a lawyer on retainer.

These include:

Peace of Mind

The certainty of knowing that expert legal aid is on hand should you need it is one of the main reasons people choose to keep a lawyer on retainer.

Should a situation arise unexpectedly you won’t need to worry about the cost of talking to a lawyer on the phone or in person and can instead focus on finding a suitable resolution.

This certainty is particularly important for business owners who are required to meet constantly changing legal requirements regarding matters such as immigration, data protection and tax.


Should you require emergency legal aid there are no shortage of law firms who will be willing to offer their services.

However, finding Lawyers In Glasgow at short notice who you will be able to work well alongside and will understand your circumstances is much harder.

Keeping a lawyer on retainer who you have worked with in the past and understands exactly what legal challenges you are likely to face can save you a huge amount of time and money over time.


Having a lawyer on retainer is much cheaper than hiring one in-house as you will only have to pay for the services you require in addition to a retainer fee that will be far far lower than a full-time lawyer salary.


How are Botox and Dermal Fillers Different?


If you are looking for a cosmetic treatment to help combat wrinkles and other signs of aging, you have probably heard of Botox and dermal fillers.

These are the two of the most sought-after procedures in the aesthetic industry but if you are looking to begin a treatment for the first time you may be confused as to the difference between the two.

In reality, these are two very different treatments with the fact that they are simply both injectable ways to reduce wrinkles really being the extent of their similarities.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about both treatments and give you a better idea of which may be better suited to your needs.

What is Botox?

Botox is actually the brand name for the less catchy Botulinum Toxin and helps to reduce wrinkles by relaxing nearby facial muscles.

By injecting very small quantities of Botox into localised areas, the nerves responsible for activating certain muscles will be blocked.

As these muscles are no longer able to move as much as a result, the wrinkles that they would normally cause, become softer in appearance.

This results in a more refreshed younger appearance and if treatment continues over a prolonged period, it is even possible to cause the muscles to shrink, creating a permanently more relaxed facial expression and eliminating wrinkles completely.

By using a cosmetic expert such as Luxe Skin for your Botox services, who understand exactly how to mould facial aesthetics and understand all the facial musculature involved, you will be able to achieve a frozen look of youthfulness as our team help create results that will look both natural and stunning.

Is there downtime required after Botox?

Not really, and that is one thing that makes Botox so attractive to customers.

You may see some very mild bruising or swelling but this will dissipate within hours and as the treatment is completely non-surgical you are able to resume normal activities straight away.

It is recommended that you stay as upright as possible for a couple of hours after the procedure, avoid touching or rubbing the area excessively, and avoid exercise for around a day, but apart from that, you will have very little inconvenience as a result of Botox.

How long does Botox last?

Once you have had your anti-wrinkle injections you will start seeing visible evidence of their work just 2-5 days later.

From that point, you will continue to enjoy the muscle relaxing effect for around 4-6 months.

As mentioned, if you then return and have another set of injections the results will be just as impressive, if not more so, as the muscles themselves will shrink over time.

What are dermal fillers?

Unlike Botox, dermal fillers physically lift and plump up sagging skin in order to smooth out wrinkles and achieve a healthier looking complexion.

Fillers are most commonly used around the cheeks, eyes, jowls, and lips as these are the areas most prone to losing their elasticity over time.

Dermal fillers Glasgow make up for the depletion of collagen and elastin, rejuvenating your look and replacing lost volume.

These injectables contain hyaluronic acid, a molecule that can be found naturally within the human skin which acts as a moisture magnet, and by retaining this moisture your skin will look smooth and plump in no time.

The main difference between Botox and fillers that confuses many people is that where Botox relaxes muscles, dermal fillers actually increase volume beneath the skin.

This means that if you are dealing with static wrinkles, that is to say wrinkles that are visible when your face is relaxed, Botox will not be effective, and you would be better opting for fillers in this situation.

Is there downtime with Dermal Fillers?

Similarly to Botox, there is no specific downtime following the non-surgical dermal filler procedure, but it is recommended that you take it easy and avoid exercise for around 24 hours after injection.

There is likely to be some itching and discolouration of the skin around the injection site for a few days after the process is complete, but this should disappear within 10 days at most.

The length of time you will be left with visible marks is dependent on a number of factors including age, lifestyle, and skin type.

How long do Dermal Fillers last?

Dermal fillers tend to last longer than Botox, and you will generally be able to see the effects for around 9-12 months.

Your doctor may recommend that you return for some maintenance during that time, to give you some advice on the best way to maintain your treatment at home.

Contact Luxe Skin Today

For more information, or to book your Botox or filler appointment today, contact Luxe Skin on 0141 573 1473, or via email at


The Benefits of a Divorce Solicitor

A divorce lawyer

What are the advantages of hiring a divorce solicitor? Divorce is a complex and often difficult time which without the assistance of legal professionals can become acrimonious and a drawn-out affair. With the assistance of legal experts like a solicitor the process can be made much easier and you can avoid serious pitfalls.

Divorce can prove to be an incredibly stressful and difficult experience and it brings with it a huge range of challenges, especially if it is an acrimonious divorce, involves children, or major financial assets are part of it. Often divorces can become bogged down in stalemates or disputes and they can drag on for a significant amount of time.

However, the process can be made significantly easier with the assistance and expertise of a divorce solicitor. Not only providing an objective overview of the case as well as a plethora of legal advice, but a solicitor can also act as a negotiator and mediator and do a huge amount to reduce the difficulties that accompany a divorce. In this article, we’ll explain 

What is a divorce solicitor?

A divorce solicitor is a lawyer specialising in family law, specifically divorce law. They are fully qualified and licensed not only to provide legal advice but to represent you, negotiate with other parties, and provide a swathe of other incredibly helpful legal services.

What are the benefits of getting a divorce solicitor

Below are just a small selection of the advantages offered to you by going with a divorce solicitor.

Access to professional advice

The most obvious benefit is that you have direct access to the advice of experts.

Divorces are built on complex, often regionalised laws and having to research this can be incredibly demanding and difficult. It is not easy to do on the fly and the potential for serious errors or mistakes can emerge. However, a divorce solicitor is a trained expert and has extensive knowledge of the legal system allowing them to provide you with an objective assessment of your options and the best way to proceed with your divorce.

A solicitor can offer you an objective overview of your legal situation, providing an expert analysis of the issues you are facing and the potential challenges which may emerge.

Helping to find alternatives

Divorces aren’t easy and often bring with them a huge degree of stress and a huge degree of anxiety. It is often very difficult for the parties involved to remain civil and disputes can very quicky spiral. The result is often a drawn-out court case which helps no one and is often very expensive. However, a solicitor can offer alternative means to resolve the dispute and through negotiation and mediation handle the matter tacitly and effectively.

Ensuring you remain objective

The objectivity aspect of a solicitors advice can’t be overstated. Many emotions run high when it comes to a divorce, as there’s often a huge amount at stake. Both assets and children often become major sources of contention, and there can be many drawn out disputes and quarrels. It can be easy to act and make decisions based on emotions and these hasty, rash choices can be seriously damaging in the long run.

A divorce solicitor however can do a huge amount to keep you focussed and ensure you can secure an amicable conclusion to the divorce. The benefit of this really cannot be overstated, as the more amicable the divorce is, and the more objective your decision making is, the better the outcome for not only you but everyone else involved.

Ensuring a fair division of assets

A solicitor at will help you to secure the best deal when it comes to the division of assets. This is a major factor of your financial future, as when it comes to assets there is often the most contention and your ex-spouse may attempt to hide or disguise assets, and there can often be a drawn-out conflict over who is owed what. However, a solicitor can help to identify potential legal loopholes, draw on expertise to find ‘hidden’ assets, and ultimately secure the best deal for your future.

Do I always need a divorce solicitor?

You are not legally obligated to get a solicitor. Unlike a criminal case, a civil case doesn’t see any attorneys assigned automatically. You do not need representation; however, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get a solicitor.

In cases where there are no major finances involved and no children are involved, you may not need a solicitor. Even if finances are involved but both sides are agreed on trying to find a solution, then mediation may be a better alternative.
