10 benefits of installing a brand-new roof

Vertex Roofing

If you are dealing with yet another expensive roof repair, you might be wondering if you would be better off having it fully replaced.

Whilst many people would tell you that repairs are the way forward unless there is no other option, the fact is that a new roof has a huge number of advantages and may even save you money in the long-term.

Your roof is by far the most important structural element of your home, offering protection against the elements, compromising or maximising your home’s energy efficiency, and keeping your family safe at all times.

If your home has gone 30 years or longer without a roof replacement, the chances are that it will have deteriorated significantly, and it is only a matter of time until disaster strikes.

If you are still not convinced that a new roof is for you, we have put together this list of the top benefits of Roof Repair Glasgow. Turns out there are quite a few!

1. Upgraded technology

Roofing technology, as with every other product in the modern world, has advanced massively over the past 30 years.

The fact is, if you have a roof several decades old you will simply be missing out on many of the benefits offered by newer tiling and designs.

Modern roofs featuring the latest most energy efficient tiling and shingles and fitted by experts who know exactly how to lay them in the most efficient design pattern offer incredible energy efficiency, durability, and weather resistance.

2. Aesthetic appeal

A new home will make you the envy of your street and dramatically improve your home’s aesthetic appeal.

Until someone in the street makes the commitment to replace their roof, no-one realises just how much of an impression it can make.

Gradual deterioration over time can be hard to notice, but a brand-new roof, properly designed and shaped, will result in an impressive and noticeable improvement to the curb appeal of the property.

3. Energy efficiency

One of the biggest changes in roof design in recent years has been to increase the thermal efficiency of the materials used.

With energy prices on the rise, a roof which leaks heat at the rate of some older roofs can put a major dent in your monthly budget.

Modern roofing materials have excellent insulating qualities keeping your home toasty warm for less during the winter and lovely and cool during the summer.

4. Warranty

If you have a roof that is several decades old, the manufacturer’s warranty has undoubtedly ended, and any costly repairs will fall firmly at your door.

A new roof means a new warranty, meaning that you will be fully covered for certain types of repairs for the foreseeable future.

When choosing your new home supplier, make sure to choose a firm which offers the best possible warranty for the largest number of years.

5. Property Value

By replacing your roof, you will not only make it a more attractive sight to potential buyers should you wish to sell in the future, but you could also actually receive a significantly higher offer as a result.

A new roof indicates that you have taken care of your property and that repairs are unlikely to be required in the near future, reassuring property hunters and encouraging them to make a higher offer.

6. Easier cleaning

Cleaning a roof on a semi-regular basis is vital to maintaining its condition for as long as possible.

Old roofs have any number of hazards which make gaining access extremely challenging including moss, leaves, broken tiles, and sagging.

All these make cleaning the roof a difficult and potentially dangerous task whilst a new roof is firm, durable, and can easily handle the weight of a human cleaner.

7. Maintenance

Have you found yourself forking out for ongoing roof maintenance far more often than you would like?

A new roof will require far less costly servicing and much of the maintenance costs you are currently dealing with may be covered under the warranty of your new unit.

8. Peace of mind

Is your roof constantly on your mind? Wondering when the day will come where a big storm could prove just too much for it to handle? If so, a replacement is the best possible way to help you relax and give you peace of mind that your home and your family are protected at all times.

9. Home improvements

Many replace their roofs purely due to the deterioration of the old one, but a new roof is actually a great opportunity to make that home improvement that you have been thinking about for so long.

New roofs are incredibly versatile and can easily be fitted with a range of features including skylights, fire escapes, and chimneys.

10. Refresh

There are few better ways to completely revolutionise the appearance of your home than to install a brand-new roof.

This will give you complete creative freedom over the look of your home, produce a wow factor amongst visitors and neighbours alike, and give you and your family a welcoming home that you can be proud to come home to after a long day’s work.
