Learn How To Keep Gums Healthy

When most people think about maintaining good oral health, their minds immediately wander to teeth, not gums. No matter how pearly white and cavity-free a person’s teeth are, though, that won’t prevent gum disease.

dentist examines female patient's mouth

Gum disease occurs when plaque builds up along and beneath the gum line. This sticky substance is filled with bacteria, which can infect both gum tissues and bone. Gum disease starts as gingivitis, which can cause bleeding, swelling, tenderness, and inflammation. It then progresses to periodontitis if left untreated. Periodontitis damages connective tissues and bone and will eventually lead to tooth loss.

Because gum disease is non-symptomatic in its earliest phases, many people erroneously believe their gums are healthy when they are not. Instead of assuming the best until severe symptoms start popping up, read on to find out how to keep gums healthy from the beginning.

Brush Properly

Brushing isn’t just about keeping teeth clean. When appropriately performed, it also helps prevent plaque from building up along the gumline. To get rid of all that plaque before it can do any damage, brush twice a day and make a point of holding the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle when brushing along the gum line.

Floss Daily

Like brushing, flossing isn’t just about keeping teeth clean. It also removes plaque and food particles between a person’s teeth and gums. Leaving all that plaque in place can lead to tartar buildup, which can, in turn, lead to gum disease. Only dentists and dental hygienists can safely remove tartar from a patient’s gum line. Still, anyone can floss daily to prevent it from building up.

Use Mouthwash

There are plenty of effective types of mouthwash available over the counter. These products can help reduce plaque buildup, remove food particles from hard-to-reach places, reduce the speed of tartar buildup, and subsequently prevent gum disease.

There are two things to keep in mind when using mouthwash. The first is that it’s essential to choose products that have been deemed safe and effective by the American Dental Association, which will be indicated by an ADA seal on the packaging. The second is that mouthwash should never be used to replace brushing and flossing.

Quit Smoking

People who smoke cigarettes are much more susceptible to gum disease. Because they have weakened immune systems, smokers are less able to fend off bacterial infections. Quitting smoking can help to prevent gum disease and reverse gingivitis when it’s caught in the earliest stages.

Know When to Rinse

Many people rinse their mouths out after brushing, flossing, or using mouthwash. Unfortunately, this common practice can hinder the effectiveness of fluoride-containing products such as toothpaste. Rinsing out the mouth after brushing washes away not just any dislodged food particles but also all the beneficial ingredients found in oral care products. Therefore it’s better to use mouthwash and spit it out instead of rinsing.

While it’s unwise to rinse right after brushing, it is a good idea for people to rinse their mouths out after eating. Of course, it’s not necessary to brush after every meal and snack or even to use mouthwash. However, rinsing with water can help prevent food particles from getting lodged between teeth and rinse out the bacteria that can lead to plaque buildup along the gums.

Prioritize Professional Dental Care

No explanation of how to keep your gums healthy would be complete without mentioning the importance of routine dental care. Experts recommend visiting the dentist for cleanings and exams at least once every six months. A three-month cleaning schedule is even better for people who already have uncontrolled gum disease.

While following all of the advice above at home can help prevent gum disease, it won’t replace professional dental care. Only dental hygienists can safely remove tartar buildup, which can occur along the gumline despite a person’s best intentions. Therefore, anyone who wants to maintain optimal gum health must prioritize professional dental care.
