Eating Disorder Epidemic: OSFED, ARFID and Diabulimia

The prevalence of eating disorders is increasing and more prevalent among adult population in United States, but they are also growing among children. This blog post will discuss the three disorders of eating that are growing in prevalence among teenagers and adults as well: OSFED ARFID and Diabulimia. Each of the three disorders there’s distinct set of signs to be aware of and treatment options based on the disorder you’re struggling with.

Introduction Eating Disorders

There are a variety of types of eating disorders however, they all share one feature in common: they are characterized by eating disorders that are caused by an unhealthy relationship with food.

The eating disorders can be serious disorders that can cause severe consequences on the health of a person, physically as well as mentally.

They’re often associated with other mental health issues such as depression and anxiety and may lead to serious medical issues, such as food insecurity, organ damage, as well as death.

It is believed that up around 24 million individuals in the United States suffer from an eating disorder, though the actual number could be significantly more.

The most commonly-cited kinds of eating disorders are anorexia nervosaand bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorders. eating disorder treatment programs There is also an increasing awareness of less-known illnesses like the avoidant/restrictive eating disorder (ARFID) and diabulimia.

Most eating disorders are diagnosed in the adolescent or early adulthood, but they may be a problem for anyone of any age. The likelihood for women is higher suffer from eating disorders than men, however the gender gap is shrinking.

Eating Disorder

If you believe that yourself or someone else you are aware of might be struggling with the disorder of eating, it’s crucial to seek out professional help immediately.

How do you define OSFED?

OSFED stands for “Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder.” According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) OSFED is among the most prevalent eating disorder that affects 1.25 percent of Americans.

OSFED is diagnosed by a range of different signs, including:

A concern with body weight and eating habits

Extremely restricting eating habits

A fear that is intense of losing weight

A tendency to eat too much or overeat. This is followed by nausea, abuse of laxatives or excessive exercise.

A lust for the amount of fat and calories

Body dysmorphia (a an altered image of one’s body)!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3120.3756099406137!2d-90.573404!3d38.548159!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x87d8d66873013d1f%3A0xa1e8f6184fab6410!2s1260%20St%20Paul%20Rd%2C%20Ballwin%2C%20MO%2063021!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1669827863617!5m2!1sen!2sus

While the root cause of OSFED isn’t completely identified but it is thought to be a result of environmental and genetic causes. People with OSFED are more likely to have an extended family experience of eating disorders and other mental health issues. They could also have been through emotional trauma or stress-inducing life changes that can trigger the disorder.

What exactly is ARFID?

The majority of people are aware of the most common eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Alsana St. Louis But there’s a different less-known eating disorder which is on the rise known as avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID).

ARFID is defined as the constant avoidance of certain food items or food items due to fear of vomiting, choking or other negative effects. It can cause significant reduction in weight, deficiency of nutrition as well as other health issues. ARFID is frequently associated with mental disorders including depression and anxiety.

There is no single “cause” of ARFID; more likely, it’s believed to result from an array of psychological, biological and social influences. Treatment for ARFID generally consists of a combination of nutritional counseling and psychotherapy.

Alsana St Louis

How do you define Diabulimia?

Diabulimia, an eating disorder manifests for people suffering from diabetes. It is defined by behaviors of purging like self-induced vomiting or misuse of insulin to shed weight. Diabulimia could lead to serious health problems including kidney damage and diabetic ketoacidosis.

There isn’t a single reason for diabulimia. It is believed to arise as a result of a mixture of biological, genetic and psychological aspects. People who suffer from diabulimia typically are afflicted by other eating disorders like anorexia or the bulimia nervosa. They might also have the family history of diabetes , or other mental health problems.

Diabulimia sufferers are often shamed and resentful about their condition. They may attempt to hide it from their family and friends. This is why diabulimia is difficult to recognize and treat. If you suspect someone you know is suffering from diabulimia, you need to urge them to seek help from a professional.

What is Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge-eating disorder (BED) can be described as a severe and life-threatening eating disorder, that is characterized by frequent episodes of eating binge. Binge eating episodes are often associated with feelings of guilt, anxiety and an inability to control.

BED is one of the more frequent eating disorder that is prevalent in the United States. It is more prevalent in women than men, and usually develops in adolescence and young adulthood.

People suffering from BED often consume large quantities of food over a short duration (often in private) even when they’re in no way hungry. They may be in a state of inability to control their eating habits and may consume food until they feel over-stuffed.

Binge eating episodes are typically coupled with feelings of shame and guilt. The people who suffer from BED might be obese or overweight. They could also be suffering from other health issues, like high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes and sleep disorders.

If you suspect you or someone you know suffer from BED It is important to seek help from a professional. Treatment could include medication, counseling, and changing your lifestyle.


Disorders of eating are becoming a major problem, with more and more people suffering from them every year. While anorexia and bulimia are two of the most popular illnesses, there are a myriad of others that are as destructive. OSFED ARFID, diabulimia and OSFED are three lesser known , but equally harmful disorders. If anyone you are familiar with struggles in an eating disorder it is important to seek help from a trained expert. They can be a devastating problem However, there is hope of recovery.
