Your Bleeding Gums Require Prompt Treatment

Bleeding gums can happen to anyone, but it is a sign that no one should ignore. When a person develops bleeding gum issues, poor oral hygiene is often the cause. With this guide, individuals will learn about bleeding gums, what causes them, and the treatment.

What Are Bleeding Gums?

Bleeding gums are one of the most common symptoms people experience when they have gingivitis. Gingivitis is the precursor to periodontal disease. Other health concerns may also be the cause of bleeding gums. When a person brushes or flosses and finds their gums begin to bleed, it is essential to discover the bleeding gums causes right away.

teeth and gums of female patient being examined by a dentist

What Causes Bleeding Gums

Occasional bleeding gum issues may be caused by brushing too aggressively or using a hard toothbrush. In addition, ill-fitting dentures can sometimes cause bleeding gums to develop. The following are some of the reasons a person may experience issues with bleeding in their gum tissue.

  • Periodontitis is advanced gum disease and is the leading cause of gum bleeding.
  • Leukemia, which is a cancer of the blood, can also cause bleeding gums.
  • Vitamin deficiencies can also cause a person’s gums to bleed.
  • Blood thinners and a lack of platelets also cause gum bleeding.

If a person notices their toothbrush is pink or after brushing that their spit is reddish, it is time to investigate the underlying cause. The dentist is the best source for getting help with bleeding gums, and they offer treatments that can stop the bleeding and gum sensitivity.

How Are Bleeding Gums Diagnosed

While minor bleeding will happen occasionally, you should never ignore ongoing bleeding in the gums. For most people, good oral hygiene is the most effective way to prevent gums from bleeding.

When seeing the dentist, individuals will first give a thorough health history and discuss any medications they take. This information is essential for helping the dentist discover the underlying cause of bleeding gums.

The dentist will also examine the patient’s mouth and discuss any additional symptoms that may be occurring. The dentist’s findings will determine a treatment plan to address the patient’s oral health issues and stop the bleeding. With treatment, you can reverse your bleeding gums.

How Are Bleeding Gums Treated?

Treatment for bleeding gums will depend on the underlying cause. Of course, if there is leukemia or a vitamin deficiency to blame, these issues will be treated by the patient’s primary physician.

If the gum tissue is bleeding because of gingivitis or periodontal disease, the dentist will offer treatment. The dentist will carefully clean the teeth for gingivitis, and the patient is encouraged to brush and floss at least twice a day. The dentist will likely prescribe a medicated mouth rinse to help keep the gum infection under control.

Periodontal disease needs more integrative treatment. Dentists and periodontists utilize scaling and planing treatments to remove plaque below the gumline. During scaling and planing treatments, the dentist uses special tools to clean the tooth roots. In severe cases, a patient may require periodontal surgery to prevent tooth loss.

Get Bleeding Gum Help Today

Bleeding gums are not something a person should ignore because they need bleeding gums treatment from the dentist. However, this is a sign that requires further investigation. If someone is dealing with bleeding gums, they should schedule an appointment with their dentist promptly.

With a complete examination, the dentist can discover the cause of the gum bleeding and offer solutions that will bring the gum infection under control and allow the gum tissue to heal.

Treatment for severe cases of bleeding gums takes time. Therefore, it is essential individuals see their dentists regularly and brush and floss as often as directed.
