Soul Balance Sound Therapy and Yoga in San Diego

Both yoga and sound healing can be used to reduce stress, tension or anxiety. Jeny Dawson of Soul Balance said that they can improve sleep, mood, and energy.

The mobile business, based in San Diego, specializes in therapeutic stretching sessions and sound healing sessions. This can be done at home or in local studios.

Private Sessions

Sound healing, Reiki, and Yin Yoga using sound and vibrations can reduce stress, release blockages in energy, and rebalance the system. This is a wonderful way to relax, and it can improve your sleep.

Soul Balance offers private sessions to individuals and groups who are looking for a more customized, personalized experience. These sessions can be conducted indoors or outdoors, in San Diego.

Donny is an experienced Yoga and Meditation instructor who believes in the daily cultivation of presence, intention and intentionality. His calm, focused instructions and peaceful energy create a connected and grounded experience for students of all levels.

Donny is also certified as a slacklining instructor and an AcroYoga teacher. He has studied with renowned teachers such as Jason Nemer and Chelsey Magnness.

Group Sessions

Soul Balance Sound Healing & Yoga in San Diego offers group experiences that are beneficial to friends and families alike. ZSB’s team offers large-group experiences that combine elements such as sound healing, meditation and yoga to help people live above stress and dis-ease.

The facilitator will use various instruments in a group to create sounds which soothe, activate, and heal the body. Crystal bowls are used as well as singing bowls.

Humming is a common practice in breathwork that has been proven to soothe the nervous and increase nitric-oxide levels, which help reduce inflammation. Hand drums or didgeridoos can be useful. You can do this type of sound bath in your home or at an outdoor venue. This type of sound bath can be done in the comfort of your own home or outdoors at a venue.

Online Sessions

Try a Zoom Group Class if you want to practice sound healing and yoga without having to leave your home. You can choose to chat on video before or after the class, or remain private.

Sound Baths are another way to achieve deep relaxation. They do not require any stretching and usually begin with breathing awareness in order to calm the mind. You lie down on your back and listen to the relaxing sounds produced by different instruments such as crystal singing bowls and gongs. This is a time for meditation that will restore you.

If you’re looking for an advanced yoga experience, try a power flow. These classes combine breath with music and cool beats in order to inspire the athlete yogi within you. Increased heart rate improves your health overall and helps you to maintain a more focused mind.

The following are some examples of the events that you can attend

Soul Balance Sound Therapy and Yoga offers many events in San Diego to help you relax and calm your mind. It is a yoga studio that specializes in therapeutic stretches, a practice included in the art of yoga. Sound therapy is also used to promote relaxation.

Dawson announced that she will be offering a series workshops in this month, which use deep stretching and sound to realign energy centers within the body. The workshops are accessible to everyone, even pregnant women. They are gentle and easy.

Yin Yoga focuses on deeper connective tissue, which is often strained and tight. It increases flexibility and mobility as well as stimulating the nervous system and reducing stress.

Yin Yoga is a form of introspective practice that allows you to cultivate your center. This workshop includes deep stretches, a Yin flow inspired by chakras and a sound therapy.
