Drug Overdose Deaths From Cocaine

The number of drug overdose deaths from cocaine has increased in recent years. The number of deaths from benzodiazepines and antidepressants has decreased, but has remained steady over the same time period. The majority of deaths are related to opioids and psychostimulants. The reason for this increase is not clear.

Data on drug overdose deaths from cocaine

In 2008, the CDC released data on drug overdose deaths involving cocaine. Overdose on cocain deaths associated with cocaine were higher among men than among women. They were also more likely to occur in the Northeast region and in urban areas. In addition, the rate of deaths from cocaine overdoses involving synthetic opioids was higher than for those involving pure cocaine.

Although the CDC does not track death rates for every drug, there are several sources of data. For example, the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has collected data through 2020. The center also maintains a searchable database called CDC Wonder, which contains 12-month-ending provisional drug overdose death counts. State-level data is also available from the State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System.

Although cocaine overdose deaths were lower in men in 2016, women’s numbers have increased dramatically in the past five years. In particular, Black women’s death rates increased by 144% between 2015 and 2020, far outpacing the rise in all other demographic groups. It is difficult to interpret these numbers without a full understanding of the underlying causes.

The presence of fentanyl in stimulants is a recent development and is causing concern. The numbers of deaths related to stimulants have increased significantly since 2010. As with any drug, the presence of fentanyl in the product has increased the risk of death. However, deaths caused by stimulants containing no opioids have remained relatively stable over the past two decades.

Increase in drug overdose deaths from stimulants

Approximately thirty thousand people per year die from drug overdoses, and the rate of death from stimulants is rising. In fact, in the United States, more people die from stimulant overdoses than from heroin or prescription opioids combined. Researchers from NYU Grossman School of Medicine, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, and the University of Michigan School of Public Health have recently published the results of a study. The authors found that death rates from stimulants rose three times as rapidly as those from other drugs. During the study, more than fifty percent of the fatalities involved methamphetamine. In addition, Asian Americans saw a significant increase in overdose deaths.

The increase in deaths from stimulants is closely linked to the opioid overdose epidemic. Unless we work to reduce both the use and the abuse of stimulants, we won’t be able to curb the growing number of deaths. Furthermore, the rate of overdose deaths from stimulants and opioids is significantly higher in males than in females. From 2010 to 2018, stimulant-related overdose deaths rose by 28% each year for males, compared to twenty-seven percent per year for females. This gender difference is an important factor in designing strategies to reduce this epidemic.

Drug Overdose Deaths From Cocaine

While most stimulant deaths involve one type of drug, cocaine and methamphetamine, significant portions also involve opioids. The number of stimulant-related deaths has increased five-fold in the past five years, with opioids accounting for 63 percent of deaths.

Increase in drug overdose deaths among Black men

The opioid overdose death rate for Black men over the age of 55 is nearly four times higher than the national average. This trend has several contributing factors, including a higher rate of trauma, poor health insurance coverage, and a lack of trust in health care providers. Additionally, Black men are often undertreated for pain and other health conditions.

The most recent statistics for overdose death among Black men show that the rate is now more than double that of white men. Since 2012, the number of overdose deaths in Black communities has increased at a higher rate than among their White counterparts. This trend is especially alarming considering the growing toxicity of the illicit drug supply in the United States.

Despite these alarming numbers, the causes of these deaths are not fully understood. More research is needed to understand the social, cultural, and illicit market factors underlying these disparities. Furthermore, more effective strategies are needed to address the issues that contribute to health inequity. This study also emphasizes the need to create a safer environment for drug users to access treatment.

According to the data, the number of drug overdose deaths among Black men has increased by 44% in one year. Additionally, the rate of drug overdose death among American Indian or Alaskan Native men is also on the rise.

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How to Build Emotional Sobriety


How to Build Emotional Sobriety

A person in recovery from an emotional addiction will be able to recognize that grief is a normal and acceptable response. Instead of hiding it or shouting, they will simply allow it to come out. Grief is a valid emotional response. While addicts often push away their sadness, those in recovery will allow it to come out sooner or later. There are many different ways to deal with grief and the process is different for each person.


Addiction is often a compulsion, and people turn to substances such as alcohol or drugs to avoid painful feelings, thoughts, or physical pain. While characteristics of emotional sobriety substance use can be an effective way to manage these feelings, it can also be a crutch and a coping mechanism. Practicing mindfulness teaches us to accept the present moment and accept unpleasant experiences. By retraining the brain to accept the present moment and unpleasant experiences, we can build emotional sobriety without having to engage in dangerous behavior.

While mindfulness does not directly address addiction, it is a great tool to help people with mental health issues learn how to manage emotions. By practicing awareness, we can recognize what is happening in our bodies and then react with clarity and purpose. The benefits of mindfulness include a reduction in rumination, isolation, and stress, three of the most common triggers for relapse. Mindfulness can help us to identify regulators and to respond with responsive care.

How to Build Emotional Sobriety


Self-compassion is an important tool in building emotional sobriety. It allows you to acknowledge and understand the negative feelings and thoughts that lead you to substance use. It does not punish or make you continue substance use. Instead, it helps you become kinder to yourself and more active. While there are many factors that lead to addiction, it is not the addict’s fault. By practicing self-compassion, you can replace the voices of shame and blame with those of compassion and understanding.

Self-compassion helps you to see the bigger picture and understand the reasons behind your actions. When you treat yourself with kindness, your brain produces happy chemicals that improve your mood and reward systems. Using self-compassion in recovery can make it easier to overcome past emotional traumas and build a healthier future. It will allow you to make better decisions and have a successful recovery. Self-compassion is a valuable part of emotional sobriety and is a crucial part of any treatment plan.

Connection with others

For emotional sobriety to succeed, people need to connect with others. By thinking of other people, we can gain perspective on our lives and empathize with their problems. This helps us become more emotionally sober and find peace in our own lives. This is why a positive outlook is one of the most important tools to achieve emotional sobriety. Here are three ways to make it happen.

First, we must learn to regulate our feelings. While some people can regulate their emotions, others need to learn to cope with negative feelings. Emotional sobriety requires the ability to live in the present moment and take a step back from painful emotions. Regulating your nervous system is essential to emotional sobriety. You can learn how to do this through mindfulness, deep breathing, and asking for help when you need it. Second, you must learn to recognize the importance of social support in building emotional sobriety.

How to Build Emotional Sobriety


Developing emotional sobriety requires a combination of general support and social connections. You should seek meaningful relationships, which allow you to constantly interact with people. Developing this skill will enable you to better understand and deal with your emotions, which are a critical component of building emotional sobriety. Having an active support system is beneficial as well, as it helps you avoid becoming isolated in your recovery.

Emotional sobriety is the ability to deal with negative feelings without turning to substances that affect your mood or cause addiction. This state is also known as being present and aware of the good things in life. People with emotional sobriety have a clear understanding of their goal and continue to work toward it. They understand that emotional sobriety is a long and complex process.


The benefits of journaling for emotional sobriety are numerous. In addition to documenting daily life, it can help addicts process negative emotions and see situations from a more balanced point of view. It can also help addicts identify their own patterns of behavior and develop new coping mechanisms. There are many types of journaling that are useful for emotional sobriety, and these include daily diaries, gratitude journals, dream journals, and gratitude letters.

The writing process is a natural form of self-reflection, and the therapeutic qualities of journaling have long been well established. Journaling is an effective tool for navigating emotional challenges in recovery because the writer is the only one reading it. This low-pressure communication technique is beneficial for many reasons, including its low-pressure nature and the ability to deepen learning. While journaling is not for everyone, it can be extremely helpful for people who are in recovery.

Other resources:
Possible Signs of Nose Damage From Cocaine Use


Similarities Between Adderall and Meth Use

Despite the chemical similarity between Adderall and meth, the similarities in Adderall and meth abuse aren’t obvious at first. But when you take a closer look, you’ll see that they are cousins. And while the chemical structure and manufacturing processes are controlled, the potency and toxicity of street meth are far greater. If you’re thinking that adderall vs meth use are similar, you might be surprised to learn that they’re both extremely dangerous.

Similarity of chemical structure

Although the chemical structure of adderall vs meth is similar, they have very different effects on users. Both amphetamines stimulate the central nervous system and modify brain chemicals. Despite the similarities, both drugs can lead to serious consequences, including addiction and abuse. Although the effects of meth on the brain are more potent, Adderall and meth use can be equally addictive.

Meth and Adderall are closely related because they both have a methyl group. This methyl group is made of a carbon atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms. Both drugs are widely available and are used for different purposes. While the similarities adderall vs meth use are largely superficial, they have important differences. Meth is illegal and cannot be sold legally in the United States, so it can lead to addiction, overdose, and other problems.

Although meth and Adderall are very different in terms of chemical structures, they do share some similarities. In one study, a group of thirteen men took either meth or Adderall, and then had their blood pressure and heart rate monitored for 24 hours. Despite the differences, the effects were similar, making the participants difficult to distinguish between the drugs. The participants found the two substances to be equally addictive, even though they are very different.

Similarity of side effects

If you’re wondering if methamphetamines and Adderall have the same addictive potential, it may be worth knowing the differences. Although both types of stimulants have similar effects, their main difference lies in their chemicals. While methamphetamines are far more potent than Adderall, they’re remarkably similar in terms of their side effects and overdose symptoms.

Both drugs cause serious and potentially life-threatening side effects. While Adderall is generally safe for long-term use, abuse can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications. The addictive properties of meth can lead to permanent damage to the heart and other organs. Additionally, users can contract fatal diseases such as HIV by sharing needles. Both substances can also have adverse effects on social, professional, and emotional relationships.

However, comparing the strength of meth and Adderall can be challenging. Adderall comes in both immediate-release and extended-release pills with five milligram and 30 milligram doses, while street meth is sold in unregulated quantities. This means that researchers cannot compare the two drugs in the same manner. In addition, street meth and Adderall use may result in wildly different side effects.

Similarities Between Adderall and Meth Use

Similarity of methods of abuse

Meth and Adderall have very similar chemical make-ups, and the drugs can produce remarkably similar highs when abused. Both drugs are classified as stimulants by doctors, and the side effects and overdose symptoms of Adderall use are almost identical to those of meth. The major difference between meth and Adderall, however, is the way they cross the blood brain barrier. The extra methyl group in meth makes it much more potent and dangerous. Meth is also far more addictive and harmful to the human brain than Adderall, as its chemical components are different.

Although meth is less common and can be bought on the street, it has a much higher risk of addiction. Meth is also more dangerous, as it is usually bought illegally and may be contaminated with other toxins and chemicals. It is also possible to purchase illicit Adderall pills that can be abused. Because the street versions can vary in potency, these pills can cause the same problems as meth, including stroke and high blood pressure.

While Adderall is more widely prescribed for ADHD, many people misuse it for other reasons. While meth and Adderall use are very similar in many ways, they are completely different in terms of their methods of abuse. Both substances are highly addictive and dangerous and should be used only as prescribed. Adderall is safe for ADHD patients. However, it can be as addictive as heroin. As a result, it is essential to seek medical help if you suspect someone may be abusing either drug.

More to read: Power-Packed Superfoods: Exploring the Health Benefits of Nutrient-Rich Vegetables


What Patients Need To Know About Periodontal Disease

Dental patients must follow all oral hygiene practices to avoid periodontal disease. Gum disease can take over the mouth and cause the patient to lose their teeth. Dental professionals can provide information about the disease and treatment options.

What Is Periodontitis?

Dental patients may ask, “what is gum disease?” Peridontitis is permanent yet preventable gum disease. It causes bacteria and infections in the mouth that could destroy the gums and the bone supporting the teeth. As it progresses, pockets form around the gum line, allowing bacteria to grow and cause severe infections and abscesses. If it is not treated, the patient will lose all their teeth.

Dentists can answer the question, “what does gum disease look like?” Essentially, it will look different at each stage. It could start as cavities that were not filled and broken or damaged teeth that were not repaired or extracted. Any instance where bacteria can thrive in the mouth may lead to gum disease.

What Are The Symptoms?

A review of gum disease symptoms shows that it starts with swollen and puffy gums that may bleed. The gums will become purplish as the disease advances. Patients may experience excessive gum bleeding when brushing, bad breath, loose teeth, pain when chewing foods, and receding gums. Any of these signs may indicate periodontitis and requires a trip to the dentist.

What Causes It?

There are many causes of gum disease, and here are the most common reasons:

  • A failure to brush the teeth and remove plaque.
  • Gingivitis that has formed in the gums must be treated to lower the risk of periodontal disease.
  • Smoking and tobacco use increase the risk of periodontal disease and could damage the teeth and gums.
  • Hormonal changes such as pregnancy can increase the risks of gum disease.
  • Improper nutrition and vitamin deficiencies can lead to gum and tooth problems.
  • Medical conditions such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn’s disease are all causes of gum disease.

How Does the Dentist Treat It?

When reviewing the best gum disease treatment, it depends significantly on the patient and the current stage of the disease. The dentist can perform scaling and planing services to eliminate bacteria and damaged gum tissue. They will remove food particles and debris from inside the gum pockets and assess the condition of the teeth. They can also provide antibiotics for infections and abscesses.

Doctors can also perform surgical procedures to provide a correction. For example, they can remove the gums’ pockets and perform bone or tissue grafts to correct the damage. The dentist can also apply tissue-stimulating proteins to help the gum tissue grow back.

The only permanent solution for late-stage gum disease is to extract all the teeth and repair the gums. Unfortunately, at this stage, the teeth are often rotten and full of cavities.

Are There Complications?

Yes, dental patients who have gum disease are at a greater risk of coronary artery disease. This increased risk is because the frequency of infections in the mouth determines how often infections enter the bloodstream. And, if they are left untreated, the patient is at a greater risk of having a heart attack or stroke because of bacterial growth in the body. Therefore, at the first sign of a tooth infection, the patient must seek help from their dental professional.

Dental patients could develop periodontal disease if they do not follow all oral hygiene practices every day. The disease takes over the gums and teeth, and it could lead to complete tooth loss. At the first signs of gingivitis, the patient needs to get fast treatment to prevent gum disease. Patients can learn more about the condition by setting up an appointment with a dentist now.


A Healthy Diet Can Keep Cancer at Bay

According to a new report from the World Health Organisation, despite incredible advances in treatment, cancer cases will rise by 57% worldwide throughout the next 20 years.

By adopting an enhanced weight loss and nutrition plan, managing stress, avoiding cigarette smoking and undertaking regular physical exercise, 374,000 brand-new cases of cancer could be prevented anually.

According to scientists from the University of Michigan and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in Seattle, the danger of dying from cancer is lowered by 10% if each of these healthy steps are undertaken and by 61% if all actions are undertaken.

The worlds leading cause of cancer deaths is smoking tobacco. Typically, cigarette smokers attempt to give up smoking cigarettes eight to ten times before successfully giving up for good. A diet that includes a great deal of red and processed meat products increases the danger of colon cancer by 28%. Sugars, syrups and refined flours can increase inflammation and cancer-feeding glucose levels. By drinking excess alcohol, you raise the risk for cancers of the mouth, colon, breast and liver.

To boost immunity and keep your gut bacteria in cancer – fighting mode, consume plenty of food loaded with fibre such as vegetables, fruit and whole grains. These likewise produce phytochemicals that safeguard your DNA and calm inflammation. More information about this can be discovered in “Cancer Uncensored, Your Step-by-Step Guide to Cancer Prevention, Early Detection and Cancer Survival” by CEO of Medical, Health and Education Ltd.

By consuming whole grains and fresh produce, you will acquire cancer fighters like lutein from tomatoes, anthocyanins from raspberries and blueberries, indoles from cabbage and broccoli and lignans and phenolics in whole grains.

The odds for cancers of the colon, pancreas, gallbladder, esophagus, breast and colon are increased if you carry extra weight, especially around your waist. The advancement of tumours and the stimulation of their growth is encouraged by hormones launched from fat cells, body-wide inflammation also fuels cancer development.

Foods suggested to assist lose the additional pounds at your waist are fibre rich 100% whole grains, non fried fish abundant in omega-3 and omega-7 fatty acids, vegetables, avocados, walnuts and almonds.

To also assist with weight loss and reduce your cancer risk by enhancing immunity and helping to prevent your body’s over production of cancer fuelling substances like prostaglandins, insulin and some hormonal agents, undertake a minimum of 30 minutes daily activity.

For more health and nutrition information about wellbeing and longevity, see www.mhe.ltd/health-and-nutrition. This feature is brought to you by Medical, Health and Education Ltd, specialists in Covid-19 testing, 10 drug urine cups, Breathalyser Units and Occupational Health.


Sleep Deprivation Aids

If you are suffering with sleep deprivation this could be down to a disruption to something about your day-to-day regimen. One way to gain some control over our sleep is to take a look at what we eat.

Both sleep and diet are complicated, which suggests that there is no single food that is guaranteed to assist you get a good night’s sleep, although there are some tips on foods and drinks that might make it much easier to drift off. There are three essential nutrients to look out for, Melatonin, Vitamin B and Magnesium.

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormonal agent that is produced in the brain which assists our bodies to regulate sleep. The amount that we produce and the performance of its usage is affected by our diet. Some foods high in melatonin are nuts, in particular almonds and walnuts. If you are feeling hungry after dinner, have a handful of these as they contain minerals like magnesium and zinc that are important to a variety of bodily processes. Tart cherries are fruits that also have trytophan and anthocyanins, elements that can help the body to produce more melatonin. Milk includes melatonin too, and evidence reveals that a glass of hot milk can induce a good night’s sleep.

Vitamin B also helps to regulate the body’s level of trytophan. This is an essential amino acid, the building block of proteins that is necessary for preserving healthy sleep. Essential amino acids are a group in which our bodies can not make as they need to be sourced through diet. A few of the very best foods high in vitamin B are complex carbs and whole grains, such as oatmeal, whole wheat crackers or popcorn. Chickpeas contain a great level of vitamin B, as does spinach, this leafy green vegetable is packed with great nutrient’s for a good night’s sleep.

Magnesium is a powerful mineral that is known to soothe the nerve system and help prepare your body for sleep. A lack of magnesium has actually been connected to a difficulty falling and staying asleep. Foods that are an excellent boost of magnesium consist of oily fish such as salmon, tuna (fresh, not tinned), sardines and mackerel. Scientists have actually reported that oily fish may aid with sleep by also providing a healthy dose of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, these are associated with the body’s guideline of serotonin. Quinoa and wild rice are rich in magnesium, extremely high in nutrients and likewise simple to add to your diet plan.

Sadly, a few of your preferred foods may be disrupting your typical sleep cycle. The main offenders to keep an eye out for are broccoli and cauliflower, although they consist of a lot of vitamins that benefit you, they likewise have a lot of insoluble fibre that takes a while to digest. Dark chocolate consists of levels of caffeine which ought to be prevented in the afternoon and evening if you are struggling to sleep. Orange juice is not a good pre-bedtime drink as it is extremely acidic and consists of a lot of sugar, which can give you a rush of energy, keeping you awake. White bread and sweet baked items rapidly break down into sugar, getting in the bloodstream and offering you a boost which can prevent sleep.

Whilst nutritional expert’s advise consuming and preventing particular foods to promote healthy sleep, they are less likely to be effective if you have a bad bedtime regimen. This could be an incorrect temperature level in your bedroom, too much noise or brightness, or if you go to sleep enjoying television or listening to music. Any of these can reduce your body melatonin production and combat the benefits of sleep-promoting food. Evaluating your current sleep practices might assist you to sleep much better.

It can take up to four hours to completely digest a meal, so going to bed directly after a big meal can cause indigestion or heartburn. Making certain you give yourself time to unwind for bed is a terrific practice to keep, together with a consistent sleeping pattern.

Physical activity is also fantastic for sleep, along with your basic health. Tiring yourself out throughout the day means you are ready for 8 hours by the night, and can absorb your food better. Weight loss is accelerated by sleeping, and sleeping gives you the energy to exercise, so getting into a good practice of doing both can act as a catalyst to your total wellbeing.

If you would like more hints and tips on Health & Wellbeing, visit www.mhe.ltd who are specialists in breathalysers, on-site drug tests, saliva testing strips, saliva alcohol tests and covid-19 testing.


How Do Staff Feel About Returning To Work?

In the not too distant future, organizations must be considering how they can best handle a return to the office with minimum risk of infection.

For some members of staff it will be the first time they’ve been at work for a substantial amount of time. They will naturally be concerned about what type of long-term modifications covid will have made to their day to day work routine.

Supplying support to personnel should lower the danger of an outbreak whilst also boosting their confidence about remaining in close quarters with their peers. Addressing any issues should likewise see that efficiency is ideal.

The marketplace provides all kinds of COVID associated screening which can be carried out simply and dependably in your home and in the workplace.

The most popular option is the rapid lateral flow antigen test and is appropriate for individuals who do not have symptoms. This involves a swab of the person’s throat and nose. This specimen is placed into a tube of fluid and then added to the test strip, which shows results within thirty minutes.

A PCR test determines an active infection in a similar way by taking a swab of the throat and nose, which then goes to a dedicated laboratory for testing. Results are confirmed within 48 hours and are accompanied with formal certification.

Antibody screening is a measure you can arrange to figure out which employees have actually had the infection. This test utilizes a finger prick technique to extract a blood sample and can deliver results within 15 minutes. This can inspire confidence in your staff as they tackle their daily life, knowing they may have developed an immunity to the virus (although research into this is ongoing).

For those who are yet to exhibit coronavirus antibodies, routine temperature tests can supply some reassurance for workers and mitigate the risk of an outbreak within the workplace.

Frequently, businesses are choosing services whereby the tests are supplied and conducted on behalf of the organisation so that they can hit the ground running and go back to ‘business as usual’.

The more regulations you put in place to safeguard and inspire confidence in your personnel, the more you demonstrate that health and wellness is very important to your business.

According to a study reported on by the BBC, over 30% of employees are concerned about getting Covid at work. The study also revealed that the poorest paid are especially worried, and the least likely to speak up.

Personnel might take advantage of the choice to talk to an occupational health practitioner, who will examine each workers’ viability to return to the workplace.

Organizations who come out the other side favorably will be those which make their staff members’ health and wellness a top priority, adjusting their offering so that it is suitable for the times.

This feature is brought to you by Medical, Health and Education Ltd, specialists in Covid-19 testing, alcohol and drug tests at home and in the workplace. Please visit www.mhe.ltd for additional information.


Indications Why You Should See Chiropractor

Thousands of adults in the world see chiropractors for the treatment of a number of problems annually. Treatment options, including joint stimulation, physical therapy methods, physical education, manual therapy, diet and recovery techniques, are consistently used by chiropractors to remedy the particular condition of each patient.

You should be seeing a chiropractor for these reasons:

  1. Lower back pain

Chiropractors have a great deal of knowledge treating back pain, especially lower back pain. Chiropractors are taught to identify the particular source of back pain and are expected to perform targeted treatment which may include exercise prescriptions and ergonomic assistance. These people are committed to using treatments that are conventional, non-surgical and medication-free. This is especially important since some doctors prescribe opioids for back pain that are highly addictive.

  1. Neck discomfort

Chiropractic treatment will deliver a safe and successful range of help, whether your sore neck is from an accident or just sitting too long at your desk. 

Neck discomfort chiropractic therapies may include:

  • Spinal alignment
  • Stretching
  • Lifestyle and diet advice
  1. Headaches

Chronic neck pain and muscle stiffness are correlated with many forms of headaches. Through gentle neck manipulations, chiropractors provide safe, drug-free options for treatment.

  1. Stiffness of muscles and joint pains

While chiropractors are commonly regarded as spine specialists, most professionals are also able to manage nerve, muscle and joint pain across the body effectively.  Carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, tennis elbow and shoulder, knee or ankle pain may be treated by chiropractors.

As a whole, 62 percent of adults in the United States had neck or back pain severe enough that they started therapy from a health care provider at some point in life. 63 percent saw a medical doctor and 53 percent received counseling from a chiropractor among people who sought health care for neck or back pain.

A previous Gallup study carried out on behalf of the Davenport, Iowa-based Palmer College of Chiropractic, found that since 2011, more than 62 million people have seen a chiropractor.

According to the National Health Interview Report, which was published by the federal government in September 2017 , the number of adults in the U.S. seeking chiropractic treatment has stayed unchanged since 2007.

For several illnesses, chiropractors promote their care as the least intrusive and best therapy. But practice with chiropractic is not without risk.
